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ARUL NERAM: This first programme of the day is in praise of God, the Almighty praying to bestow His blessings on the community.

VARALAATRU VAAYIL: As a humble tribute to the creators of history the programme enlightens the younger generations on the yester-events highlighting our culture & heritage of the past and engineering the future.

PSG CRSURAVUPAALAM: - A unique field based programme of PSG CRS in which Local Officials, Political Leaders, Development Authorities and Common people are roped in to discuss issues like Water & Drainage problems etc. People’s concern about such issues is recorded in their own voice and the concerned officials are invited to the studios to get their answers to the queries/Problems and are being aired through the PSG Community Radio. This bridges the gap between the community and the governance.

PSG CRSINNIKI TOPIC: One of the popular programme of PSG CRS, playing the role of a forum of self-expression for people to analyze their problems proposing solutions themselves.

TALENT PLATFORM: PSG CRS provides with the youth a platform to unearth the hidden talents motivating them to follow the footprints of the achievers from different walks of life.

NAMMAI CHUTRI: The happenings in and around the city of Coimbatore.

SIGARAM THOTTA SIGARANGAL: Success stories of the Indian Business magnates in the National and Local levels who rose from the scratch. This with down-to-earth presentations greatly helps the students to comprehend the ideal management principles & practices.

NAMADHU BHOOMI (science awareness serial programme) –
The Rashtriya Vigyan Evam Prodyogiki Sanchar Parishad (RVPSP),
Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi has embarked on a pan India Project entitled “NAMADHU BHOOMI” by using the Community Radio as a tool for communication to popularize and stimulate scientific temperament among Students, Women and Common people. PSG CRS commenced the 182- episode serial programme from 15th August, 2010.

MAGALIR NERAM: The Program highlights the empowerment of women in every sense, especially benefiting widows and destitute. It aims at getting them their due rights in the family and the society breaking all the superstitious beliefs about widowhood and destitution, by getting them economic security. The program provides women in general with lots of tips on earning from home like making handicrafts and recipes, saving for the rainy days and problems of working women giving them solutions from the experienced women-folk.

PSG CRSIt’ll be appropriate to quote a proof of pudding - our broadcast of a program which won the great appreciation of very many listeners of PSGCRS. It was a feature highlighting the re-marriage of a Christian- man and a widowed- Hindu-woman who are deaf & dumb. Adhering to Hindu rituals it was solemnized by a Trust known as Sivamayam Samayam Educational Charitable Trust, Coimbatore at Sri Murugan temple in Peelamedu with the bridegroom tying sacred thread with a pendant of Cross around the neck of the bride. The wedding attended by people belonging to a host of religions who all prayed on the occasion for the well-being of the couple and to be blessed by God with offspring free of any sort of physical and mental impairment. The revolutionary re-marriage took place on the 7th September 2009 and the feature was broadcast the following day itself which evoked tremendous response from listeners tagging with their prayers too for the sake of the couple which was also broadcast in quick succession. For which the functionary of the above Trust wrote a touching letter of immense gratitude to PSGCRS for effectuating broadcast of the feature followed by listeners‘echo of high sentimental and human values with lightning speed.

CONCLUSION: The PSG CRS thus does its best in disseminating knowledge to the local community on the need of the hour bringing all the concerned at proximity to each other and creating awareness among public. Besides, it broadcasts programmes of entertainment value too.

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