Bachelor of Engineering Programmes
B.E (Automobile Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.E (Biomedical Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.E (Civil Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.E (Computer Science and Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.E (Computer Science and Engineering (AI and ML))Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.E (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.E (Electronics and Communication Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.E (Instrumentation and Control Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.E (Mechanical Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.E (Metallurgical Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.E (Production Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.E (Robotics and Automation Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.Tech (Bio Technology)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.Tech (Fashion Technology)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.Tech (Information Technology)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.Tech (Textile Technology)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.E (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) (Sandwich)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.E (Mechanical Engineering) (Sandwich)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
B.E (Production Engineering) (Sandwich)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
Master of Engineering Programmes
M.E (Automotive Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.E (Biometrics and Cybersecurity)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.E (Computer Science and Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.E (Control Systems)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.E (Embedded & Real-Time Systems)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.E (Engineering Design)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.E (Industrial Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.E (Industrial Metallurgy)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.E (Manufacturing Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.E (Power Electronics and Drives)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.E (Structural Engineering)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.E (VLSI Design)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.Tech (Bio Technology)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.Tech (Nano Science and Technology)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.Tech (Textile Technology)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
Master of Science Programmes
Master of Computer ApplicationsCourses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.Sc (Fashion Design & Merchandising - 5 Years Integrated)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.Sc (Applied Mathematics)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.Sc (Software Systems - 5 Years Integrated)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.Sc (Theoretical Computer Science - 5 Years Integrated)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.Sc (Data Science - 5 Years Integrated)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
M.Sc (Cyber Security - Integrated - 5 Years Integrated)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
Bachelor of Science Programmes
BSc (Applied Science)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
BSc (Computer Systems and Design)Courses of StudyDetailed Syllabus
Post Graduate Programmes in Management
MBA Courses of Study Detailed Syllabus
MBA (Waste Management & Social Entrepreneurship) Courses of Study Detailed Syllabus

For more information about the programmes please refer to the departments listing here.