
How to apply for Transcript ?
Candidates who wish to apply for transcripts may either i) apply by online through our college website or ii) submit the required number of Photocopies of the grade sheets to CoE office.
Candidates who wish that the transcript shall be sent by the college itself directly to the agencies like WES IQAS, shall apply for transcript only by online mode.
Others may apply to obtain Transcript either in Person or by online mode.

By Online mode:
Candidates shall visit the website “” and fill in all the details required, upload clear photocopies of all certificates to be attested and copy of filled in forms like WES IQAS and pay the fees by online. The CoE office will download the certificates, verify, print required number of copies of them, attest the same and despatch them in sealed covers through courier to the address furnished by the candidate. Candidate will have the tracking facility for the cover sent by CoE office. The fee payable at present is at Rs.300/- per set and actual courier charges.

Candidates may also click “Transcripts Online” given under “QUICK LINKS” in Home page of to apply.
If the link for applying for online transcripts is not working due to inadvertent reasons, the candidate may
1. call the customer support number +91-9344516161 and inform VFS Docswallet, the service provider (or)
2. send mail to (or)
3. apply for transcripts by submitting the required number of Photocopies of the grade sheets, required fees and self addressed stamped envelope by post to the “The Controller of Examinations, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore - 641 004, Tamil Nadu”.

The CoE office will attest the certificates and send the closed covers of transcripts to the students in the self addressed stamped envelope by post.

By In person mode:
Candidates can apply for transcripts by submitting the required number of Photocopies of the grade sheets to CoE office either in person or through a messenger or send the required number of sets of Photocopies of grade sheets by post addressed to the “The Controller of Examinations, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore – 641 004, Tamil Nadu”. Copies of grade sheets taken in colour photo copiers are not accepted.
The fee for issuing transcript is Rs.500/- per set. The Transcripts, after attestation, will be placed in sealed covers and handed over in person to the candidate/messenger.
The fee can be paid by cash in the account section of the College or in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of “The Principal, PSG College of Technology” payable at Coimbatore which shall be send along with the photocopies of grade sheetsCheques will not be accepted.