1. How do I write Examination without Identity Card in the event of not bringing ID card?
If you do not bring Identity card, application for issuing temporary Identification Certificate can be obtained from Chief Superintendent before the commencement of examination in a session
and on submitting the filled-in application, temporary permission will be granted for writing exam in that session. You are advised to apply for duplicate Identity card immediately to Academic
section if it was lost.
2. When will be the Reappearance Lab Examinations held?
The Reappearance Lab Examinations will be held during study holidays i.e. After last CA test but before the commencement of the Semester Examinations.
3. When will be the Week end/Reappearance examination results declared?
The Week end/Reappearance Examination results will be declared along with the next regular examination results.
4. Will it be possible to request for changing the date of Examination in the case of emergency?
No, it is not possible to change date of examination once it is announced.
5. One of the courses for which I applied and paid fees did not appear in the timetable: what should I do?
You should contact Office of Controller of Examination immediately. They will check and inform the reason and rectify the defect if any.
6. Do exam dates will be changed after the publication of Timetable?
Yes, there is a possibility due to unavoidable circumstances. Therefore please ensure that you recheck your exam timetable on a regular basis and immediately prior to your examination(s).
Any change in examination date will be intimated well in advance to the candidates.
7. What should I do if I come late for the exam?
Candidates are not allowed to enter the examination hall once the examination is commenced. Candidates arriving after the start of the examination are required to take permission from Chief
Superintendent / Controller of Examinations. And they have to understand that they are not entitled to any additional time.
8. If I cannot attend my exam, whom should I contact?
You will be marked as “ABSENT” for the exam and you cannot make a request for re-exam in any circumstance.
9. If I was unable to attend my exam due to medical issues: What shall I do?
• As per regulations, candidates may submit a request to Dean Academic to grant permission to withdraw the examination and the candidate may be granted withdrawal subject to satisfying the
conditions prescribed in the regulations.
• Candidates to whom withdrawal is granted, the next attempt for writing the examination in the particular course is considered as a first attempt. This facility can be availed only one time
during the entire programme.
10. What happens if the exam squad or invigilator finds any incriminating material in my possession?
You will be booked under malpractice but will be allowed to continue the examination. See malpractice guidelines on the examination website.
11. When shall I approach CoE office for enquiring about any clarification regarding examination?
Any time between 9.00 am to 4.30 pm (Excluding 12.45 to 1.30 pm) on any working day.